Privacy Policy


The following terms outlines the all-inclusive company privacy policy of Wiselivingincorporation (referred as 'company' now onward) in accordance with any disclosure of particulars you share through this website ( referred as 'website' or 'us', 'we' and 'our'). These privacy policies were created to let you know about what information we store when you visit our site and about our customer's websites ( advertisers); and how that data is stored and used by companies which display advertisements.

We are informing you about our privacy policy in terms to let you know and decide so that you can make an informed decision in advance whether to continue browsing or not. We have ownership rights to change and update our privacy policy and they will be effective upon posting. It is crucial that you keep updated with our policy and check it periodically.

The privacy policy regulates the information that we store and receive from you, our users and other individuals. Anyone who use the website, registers on it, participate in any promotions or offers on the website, indulging in communication with us through mail and other terms are considered our users.

Collection of Information

The company will use information given by you and other users who use the website only for the purpose that you have given it for. These operations are to improve, to give response on your queries, to give other customer services, operate and maintain the website and its services. They are also used to administration and internal business purposes related to the website.

Your personal data will be collected to maintain your account, communication purposes and for record keeping.

Your non personal data including web beacons, cookies etc., will be used for administrative purposes and improvement in our services.

Personal data

Personal data is a data that is used to differentiate or trace a person's identity, may be alone or combined with any other information, or sometimes, may be of sensitive or private nature.

As a part of this registration, we may ask for contact information from you (such as name, email address, mailing address, etc.) and other required data to operate these services. We can get personal data from you only if you freely provide it. By freely providing your personal data such as name, email address, mailing address or any such information to us, by sending us any suggestion or comment, you will be agreeing to the collection, distribution and use of your personal data by us for the objectives set out herein.

Non-Personal data

Non-Personal data is the information that is not used to identify or trace a person, i.e. the data without any particular reference to the user's identity from which the information was obtained.

When you go to our Website, the data related to your visit (such as how you browse the site) may be gathered and saved. This data may include how long you have been on our website, the time and date when you visit, the pages browsed by you and the websites visited by you before and after using our website. It does not contain any personally-identifiable data like your name, email address, mailing address, phone number or any such information. We utilize this aggregate and non-identifiable data to improve our website's design and optimize our business and/or services and make our users' experience better. We may also send this non-identifiable general information to our affiliates, sponsors, suppliers and advertisers.

Web Beacons and Cookies

Wiselivingincorporation uses Web Beacons and Cookies to correlate certain Internet-based information about the people who use our website (partners and advertisers) with some of your personal information in our database.

Cookies are mere small data packets that help in saving and tracking the users' information and activities such as email address, behavioral data, etc. These get automatically saved in the user's computer for easy access. However, it is up to you to accept or deny cookies. These do not disclose user's personal information. Cookies do not read or extract data from your hard drive.

Log in Information

When you sign in to your account, our servers may automatically capture and save certain information that your device's web browser send on visiting the website. These web server logs may contain necessary information to validate your authority to access your account. These information include IP address, browser type, visited URLs, referring and exit pages, click counts, platform type, viewed pages and other such data which is necessary to confirm and authorize your log in activity.

General Data Protection Regulation

On May 25, 2018, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union came into full operation. GDPR (EU) is a European Union law which governs the data protection and privacy for all residents of the European Union.

GDPR is meant to empower the citizens of EU to safeguard their personal information and other data. As per the governing laws, all the users are given the authority to access and change their own data taken by the companies, including data collection, surveys, ad tracking, location, cookies and every other part of a user’s 'digital footprint'. All the users are authorized to share their personal information to the organizations. Similarly, GDPR enforces companies to check their in-house policies for data security.

Wiselivingincorporation is committed to protecting the privacy of our users and follow the law and order of all our operational regions including consent with the GDPR.

As per the GDPR requirements, we will endeavor to, at any time, (i) cite our relationships with our data partners, (ii) establish the data handling controls, and (iii) give the data subjects with a direct management and understanding of the manner in which we use their personal information.

GDPR Measures

Controller Classification: We comply with our partners (Data Processors and Data Controllers) to ensure that any and every kind of user data is controlled under the agreed terms and conditions. We have the proper technical and organizational measures to make sure that data processing is done in accordance with GDPR. These measures are reviewed and updated, if required and as per the specifics of the collected data.

Personal Information: User's personal details will be pseudonymized and secured to ensure the user's privacy.

Sub-Processors: Wiselivingincorporation will, to the best of our capability, ensure that our sub-processors do operate as per the GDPR requirements before beginning cooperation with them and need such sub-processors to abide by this Privacy Policy and maintain proper security to safeguard user information from unauthorized entry or processing, until and unless we do not have the power to do so.

Data Retention: Wiselivingincorporation will retain the collected data for the cooperation period but in no case more than the maximal allowed by the governing law, unless you decide to withdraw it yourself.

Requests and Removal of The Data

At any time, the users have the right:

  • To access your personal details that we have;
  • To request to prohibit the processing of your personal details;
  • To request the update, modification or erasure of your personal details that we have;
  • To file a complaint to an administrative authority in your jurisdiction;
  • To request to pass on your personal information such as data portability; and
  • To withdraw any permission related to the personal details given by you.

The Use of Email Addresses

Your only use your email address(es) to contact you and intimidate you about different services offered by our company. This includes new offer notifications, newsletter, your campaign updates, notifications about your results, etc. and may, for the same reasons, be shared with the tools Wiselivingincorporation uses to accomplish those services. We would never provide your details like email addresses to any third party, without your consent in written or an electronic consent. You can opt out of receiving promotional emails and newsletters from our company at any time by changing your account settings. You can also unsubscribe the newsletters by clicking on the opt-out link.

Dissemination of Information

We won't share your personal information without giving a prior notice that we may do so. We receive the information of only those who use our website (partners and advertisers), and we have the authority to use this information (sometimes, along with non-personal data), but is generally restricted from sharing this data with other people or companies.


The security of your personal and non-personal information is our ultimate priority. We take several strict measures to protect our database from unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized access or destruction of data. Only authorized employees of our organization are allowed to access the information provide by our users.

Consent and Contacts

By visiting and using Wiselivingincorporation website, you consent to the data collection and use of the personal or non-personal data as stated above. For more details, you can contact our helpline number.